Monday 13 July 2009

"There's a Hole in the World Like a Great Black Pit and the Vermin of the World Inhabit It . . ."

Well London came and went, without much notice really.

The whole thing was a bizarre affair from standing around Eskdale carpark with Little Miss Topshop, The Shrew and The Lothario like some sort of tribe, clearly separated from the other groups (or "enemies" if we're being dramatic) in the form of A-Level Theatre Studies group 2 and The B-Teckers, waiting for the coach, to certain members of the group being threatened with Rape (I kid you not) by the tour guide "Mo" if they won a quiz.

There were genuinely hilarious moments.

1) Rapey Mo riding the children's ride at the service station whilst making some questionable faces.

2) 50 drama students running out of Covent Garden tube station and weaving through bewildered looking locals to get to the theatre on time.

3) Being asked to leave a sex shop.

There were some ridiculous moments.

1) Seeing Mo from last years Big Brother still working in Hamley's.

2) Trekking for HOURS to get to the Hard Rock Cafe.

3) Going in a sex shop sober.

And, of course, there were some extremely drunken/embarrassing moments.

1) Playing stupid drinking games with neat vodka.

2) Saying stupid stupid things to people.

3) Nearly knocking myself out by hitting my head on a bedside table and rebounding straight back up.

4) Sitting in a darkened room and thinking that because it's dark no one can hear the STUPID things you're saying.

5) Walking back to your hotel room unsteadily as the corridor literally moves from side to side.

6) Waking up to discover your head had been bleeding and reading your inbox messages.

And so idiot drunken Robyn struck again - ruining another trip and damaging a few friendships along the way.
(The Shrew was less than happy with me and has had to be bribed with promises of musical tickets.)

But not all was lost.
I got to see The Lion King and The Woman in Black (for the third time) and despite extremely badly behaved theatre audiences (another blog post for later on I assure you) I thoroughly enjoyed them both. Even if the Woman in Black actually made me to never want to step foot in a theatre again (that bitch gets scarier every bloody time).