Wednesday 16 February 2011

"Your looks are laughable, unphotographable but you're my favourite work of art . . ."

Things I've learned whilst being in a relationship.

1) Valentine's day can be nice.
2) People's surprised faces when you say "I have a boyfriend" are funny.
3) I will get up at 3am and walk across town in the rain for sex.

Lets deal with number one shall we?

I have always always liked the idea of Valentine's day. Guys taking a risk and actually saying how they feel, even if it is through a tacky as hell card or a bouquet of petrol station flowers or a box of cheap heart shaped chocolates, is really really sweet. And anyways, the thought and sentiments are there and that's enough. (Granted, if your other half shows up with any of these items on any other day of the year its probs because he's been sticking it somewhere he shouldn't but, I digress.)

To be fair though, I'd never actually experienced a Valentine's day as a part of a relationship until 2 days ago, so, I very much had had the typical RomCom Single Girl experience, except without the witty dialogue or the ability to pay a personal trainer and dietitian to help me lose the "Bridget padding." In short, I had no problem with the idea of love being displayed gaudily in public for just one day of the year.

So this year my expectations weren't much different.

I didn't actually hear off of the boyfriend until 4pm in the form of a text message that read:

La Tasca? 6pm X

Odd now that I think about it. No mention of Valentine's day whatsoever. You'd think a romantic like myself would have freaked out, started sobbing or comfort eating or both but, nah.
I replied with a simple:

Ta. See you there :) X

Tres laid back.
I didn't put much effort into getting ready.
Sort've showered, did my face, sorted my hair, put on a frock and was doing my lippie when someone knocked on my bedroom door at 5.30.

Dickhead didn't wait for me to say come in, just opened the door to reveal himself all done up with a bouquet of roses in one hand and a huge parcel in the other.

I practically jumped him there and then. But waited until the flowers where safely in some water and the present had been unwrapped.

Boy did good.
The present was equal parts cute and filthy. Moi to a tee.

We then went and did your typical date; ate together and watched some people do some acting on a big screen, before heading back to mine.

It was lovely.
Romantic, but not overly soppy.

I'm pleased to report that there was no PDA, apart from when the bitch of a waitress flirted with him. There may have been a bit of hand holding to mark one's territory, but that was all.

All in all a good night.

And I didnt have to walk across town at 3am to get the goods 'cos they were within reach all night long.