Thursday 30 April 2009

Hahaha, Hohoho and a Couple of Tralalas.

That man right there, for the uninformed, is the legendary Neil Diamond.
This man has become a prominent feature in my life ever since I met The Grandad.

The boy got such a nickname purely from his old man style anecdotes and life lessons. Wisdom simply pours out of him, the problem is that it's more often than that is about something generally useless or Neil Diamond related.

(Well there the same thing really aren't they?)

Excellent Neil Diamond one liners in the past have included:

1) Did you know Neil Diamond actually wanted to write musicals.
2) Neil Diamond was an excellent fencer.
3) The first Neil Diamond album to sell 1 million copies was called "Touching You, Touching Me"

The latter of which produced one of those filthy guffaws from The Lothario.

The Grandad is essentially 18 going on 80.
However, like most 80 year olds, there's a lot more to him. The Grandad has deep deep deep levels.

One particular conversation began with this statement from moi:

"What is the actual point?"

The grandad paused and came out with this.

"Comedy and Sex"

I laughed and he explained his answer with a straight face. Apparently the logic goes something like . . .

Comedy is important, because you need to be happy. If you're not happy then people aren't going to get on with you and you're life is going to be a miserable mess. And sex is important becuase its fun, a form of exercise (so it keeps you healthy) and necessary for procreation. But the two must never ever ever be practised together. You don't want someone to burst out laughing when you drop your in the middle of things.

That little gem always keeps me smiling.

That and the fact that Neil Diamond actually allowed an album to be called "Touching You, Touching Me."

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